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Why do you need a payment gateway and its types?

Updated: Dec 5, 2022

A payment gateway guards your customers payment information. A payment gateway not only manages fraud but also safeguards merchants against defunct cards, insufficient cash, cancelled accounts, and exceeding credit limits. Numerous multi-currency payment gateways provide simpler international payment authorizations and settlements with dynamic currency conversion. The payment gateway is where your customers' payments are deposited. In this post, you can see why you need a payment gateway and its types:

Need for payment gateway

A payment gateway's primary function is to give your customers a frictionless and safe way to complete transactions using any widely used payment method and a variety of various channels. A merchant can reduce expenses by doing away with numerous vendors' requirements and streamlining operations with the best software integration and thorough reporting when using a high-quality payment gateway.

Hosted payment gateways

The customer is directed away from your site's checkout page by this form of gateway. The Payment Service Provider page is the one your consumer accesses after clicking the gateway link. When using a hosted payment gateway, the user enters their payment information and is then taken back to the retailer's website to complete the transaction after making a purchase.

Self-hosted payment gateways

The transactional information of your customers is gathered here on your website. The collected data is sent to the payment gateway's URL following the request for information. Many gateways require the payment information to be given in a specific format, while others ask for a secret or hash key.

API hosted payment gateways

Customers must enter their debit or credit card information directly on the merchant's checkout page, and transactions are processed via an Application Programming Interface or HTTPS queries.

Local bank integration

The customer is redirected through this gateway to the bank's website, which serves as the payment gateway, where they enter their payment and contact details. After finishing the payment, the customer is redirected back to the merchant's website, where the payment notification information is given.

How do Payment Gateways works?

The transaction flow is the same whether you are using a physical or virtual payment gateway. However, internet and mobile payments use digital capture files to hold the credit card data rather than the output from a credit card reader.

Final thoughts

Hopefully, you will learn why you need a payment gateway and its types. Most websites and virtual shopping carts can include a payment gateway to speed up online credit card processing. With the aid of payment gateways, you may handle international transactions and accept online payments from clients worldwide.

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