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How can Cart Abandonment Analysis Help Online Retailers?

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

Cart abandonment is the scenario when an item reaches your virtual shopping cart, but you fail to complete a transaction. There are several reasons why this occurs: lack of motivation, forgetfulness, poor timing or too much choice. The checkout abandonment rate can be reduced by doing one or both of these things: increasing customer motivation and keeping track of what users have purchased in the past.

Cart Abandonment Rate

The checkout abandonment rate is 75.6%. There are multiple reasons why people abandon shopping carts, but optimizing a checkout process can reduce this number by 20% on average. This means that you have an 80% chance at success with your checkout optimization campaign if it's well-executed. In reality, mobile phones have higher rates because most companies don't optimize their websites for handheld devices.

Advantages and Disadvantages of checkout abandonment rate

The advantages of calculating your average cart abandonment rate are that

1. It helps you understand the shopping behavior of your customers.

2. It shows whether or not your checkout system is trustworthy.

3. It indicates how well you convert visitors to sales.

4. It lets you know where problems might be with converting a visitor into a customer.


1. You cannot rely on this metric completely to solve the problem of abandoned carts as there are other metrics you need to do so.

2.More detailed metrics such as net revenue per user and conversion rate might be necessary.

Reasons for abandonment

1) The complexity and difficulty in navigating your website: You may want to make sure shoppers feel they're getting their money's worth by providing clear guides on how to use your website. Your navigation should be easy enough, so people don't get lost before actually checking out.

2) Payment options: Make it convenient for buyers on what payment method they've selected or would like to select at checkout (e.g., Paytm). On top of this, consider other ways to attract more customers, such as offering gift cards or cashback points instead.

3) Shipping costs: As long as shipping is affordable relative to the cost of purchased products, consumers will buy from you again because there's no need for travel expenses when shopping online. However, if shipping costs are too high compared with the product price, shoppers might abandon them.

4. Technical problems and slow loading pages for some customers who find it hard to navigate due to its complexity;

5. Customers may not want to use such websites because they have limited payment options (i.e.,

they don't accept cards). For this, they can use multiple payment gateways like Nimbbl, which is safe and secure.

Summary - E-commerce marketers use the checkout abandonment rate to understand their website visitors' behavior. In e-commerce, the abandoned cart rate is related to customer conversion rates and revenue. Marketers often track their customer conversion rate or the percentage of customers who make a sale about purchases.

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